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A member registered Dec 09, 2020

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This is like crewmate free play mode but better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so, just click da sabotoge button, Just like the like and subscribe button lol.


ok, I play all day and all night without my parents knowing, not trying to brag. =)

... I deleted my post so not to offend people who are sensitive, what I mean is so cool and amazing and also... yeah idk what to say next so plz no judging me plz. p.s check out klopity's newly released game," City Thing" I have got to say, it is pretty fun.

Dats some big brain  ideas right there.

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Bruh... u play at 6:00 in da morning... Im speechless besides this ...TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!!!!

Yeah I think crewmate mode and maybe... im not asking for much... an easy to make voting screen. Then you can take a long break until your fans ask for something else.

As I scroll through the chat all I see is CREWMATE MODE GIVE ME CREWMATE MODE ext...

What are you working on right now????

bruh ur kidding.

When excatly is crewmate mode going to be???????

Wow, honest man. =-l

Why? =(

WHAT IS DA ... FOR!!!!!!!?????????????????

me out loud: ... me in my head: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA(laughing so hard im crying.) Honestly, idk why im laughing at this but yeah.

ok nice speech :-)

well finnaly something nice comes out of your mouth.



u alredy said dat dude.

you need to chill man, chill.

Your over reacting, just stop and enjoy what we have and what we will get, you unthankful person.


basicly just try to survive the imposter?

A famous singer.

Give up on creumate mode idk if it will ever happen, plus it is all up to Klopity.

lol me to

I can not get in =-(

ya it is, I need to name myself that, Im suscribed and everything. lol

basicly, as I scroll though the comments all I see is add crewmate mode blah blah blah.....

(1 edit)

Funny thing, I found someone who was called Pizza Time! gaming's bestie.

hey, r u going to do more updates. It is a good game and I hope u do not abandon it.

Really like the new map



Hey I got a high score of 100,000!!!!

Also can we add another imposter and a voting screen, I gave up on the crewmate mode.


thanks this is da best update yet

No I just think the game is good. =-)